Category: joe wize
Fayola’s New Passion Debut Video
Wow – Hard Work Do or Die
Wow if you could listen to some of the projects I’m working on you would be amazed. You will hear very soon. Can you say “Super amazingly talented”. That’s whats in store coming from the minds of the artist of Indiggo Child Records. Your gonna love it. It’s hard work and I love it, just…
Fay-O-la’s Listening Party
I will have a listening party for a select few people to preview Fay-o-la’s new album. So far with the few people I let hear I’ve gotten good reviews. I can wait for you all to hear hew new album. I personally think it’s coming out great. So the goal is listening party then release…
Whas Up Everyone
Wow what’s up with this snow? Can you believe it.!?!?!? Will it ever end? Anyway some projects that I’m working on are coming to conclusion. It feels good and it gives me a sense of accomplishment. I know your gonna love it when you hear it. Especially Fay-O-la’s project. We’re putting the finishing touches on…
My New Years Resolution
Personal 1. To love more (which includes everybody good and bad) 2. To understand more 3. To strive and persevere 4. To be more healthy Business 1. To become a top expert of Marketing and Promoting 2. To be more diligent in book keeping 3. To get 2 Artist promoted and marketed Major Wize 4.…