Coming up on a new year 2010


Wow seems like life’s breezing past. Racing towards the finish of 2009 y’all. I think it will be a good end to this year except the fact of all the craziness going on in the world.

Like sending our troops away. Hmm! Hope they stay safe. In all I hope all gods creatures stay safe. Unfortunately war is ugly. So we’re probably gonna get it in some shape, how or form.

What about Tiger Woods? People are already condemning his marriage. It seem like people and the crazy bloggers and the media always have to have the pound of meat I’d like to open up there closets and see their skeletons. I hope it works out well. I hate to see another marriage end. I’m shooting for Tiger. I know a lot sisters aren’t.

Life is good though, Shoutout’s to my good friend Lisa A for the new addition to her family. Life has blessed her.

The music I love and I can’t wait for you to hear some of the new artist that I’ve been working with. Amazing! That’s all I have to say. I’m working on completion on the final parts of two albums. I will be considering investors soon for specific projects soon.






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