Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
An Update on My Latest RunJoeRun Release
I’ve been trying to complete my project but it’s taking longer then I thought. Mainly due to finding time coordinating everyone who’s involved schedules. It’s a big difference when you’re working for yourself and working a regular job. Below is a video of my latest update. I’m featuring Ryan Binning on this project along with…
When you have no Direction you GO Nowhere!
Lately it seems hard to focus. But I’m making a commitment to myself to make sure I complete the things I’m supposed to complete. There are only a few outstanding things that need to be taken care of. Financially will be my focus and making sure with smart choices. There are also persons in life…
My Life Doesn’t Feel Full Unless I’m Customizing
My interest lies in the technical field but I like to venture out and look for mind-widening situations. Whether creating a custom mod for a website or just meeting people. However recently I’ve become sort of a hermit.I can’t watch the news anymore because everything depresses me. I think though, I can do better at…
Losing Weight Is Hard
Man, losing weight is hard. I’ve been trying for years and it’s been almost impossible. I always lose about 15 pounds then I gain it back within a few months. It sucks and very depressing. I don’t want to get bariatric surgery but I’m leaning towards this closer and closer. Everyone that’s obese can tell…
I’m At Another Crossroads in My Life
Yep, I’m At Another Crossroads in My Life I did a project with one of the artists I’ve worked with for many years, we even had a well know producer as an A&R (Dallas Austin). At the completion, we all agreed that the project was a classic. I felt very strongly about it on the…
Adult Decisions Can Be Extremely Hard
Adult Decisions Can Be Extremely Hard Last week I found out that my partner of 12 years will have to be put down soon. This is due to growths on her mammary glands. This really sucks. I don’t want her to suffer but I don’t want to just put her down when she has a…
Why Be Awestruck With Celebrities Who Have Never Accomplished Anything?
Why be awestruck with celebrities who have never accomplished anything? It always amazes me how people follow celebrities. How they get awestruck of a single person. We’ve all been born to this earth and time the same way. We all have been challenged the same as everyone else. I just don’t get how a person…
Make your art sell on its own so they can’t tell you shit!
It’s really quite interesting when you’re an artist and you come up with a concept and you complete your art with a certain direction only to be told by an industry exec that the concept can’t make money. But your initial direction was not to make money was just to make art. Got to have…
It’s All About Sex When Promoting
It’s all about sex when promoting After having a good talk with a friend, he pointed out something which I’ve known but recently overlooked. It’s all about sex when promoting anything. These subtle nuances added to a product promotion always are triggers for people to be interested. Whether music, cars, applesauce and so on. I…
Music Of The Week – Black Xavier One Time Freestyle
Black Xavier R&R Freestyle
Eve Soto Photoshoot
Got any book recommendations?