Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Some Of My Photos Of Last Year

  • Keep Pushing Positive

    Keep Pushing Positive When your doing something you love and things seems dark and bleak keep pushing positive because that’s when things start to break. In the entertainment business especially if you don’t set your goals and try to achieve them you’ll get lost in the sauce. So keep pushing positive and don’t let anyone…

  • New Single From The X-Menn ‘Get It Up’

    The X-Menn ‘Get It Up’ Just got it mastered and it sounds monster working on May 20, 2014 release day. It’s featuring The Black Xavier, Natural L.G. and Tony Born. It’s bass driven punch and was created to show off the artist skills. This ones definitely for the clubs as it thumps. Also to co-inside…

  • A EDM Dubstep Project I Produced For The Artist Leslyn

     The Artist Leslyn [soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/148249704″ params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /]    

  • It’s 4:22 AM and I Have Mush Mouth

    It’s 4:22 AM and I Have Mush Mouth You know when you wake up in the morning and your mouth taste like a piece of carpet has been it all night. Also a little drivel just enough wet saliva or drool on the side of your face. Dam what a bitch! 1st – I’m glad…

  • Why Did that Guy Have to Beat That 85 Year Old Man?

    Why Did that Guy Have to Beat That 85 Year Old Man? I don’t like to see anybody taken advantage of. Why would a person who’s great physical shape act so asshole-ish and beat a old Chinese man to death. I just seen the video on the news. Wow! I wish the family the best.

  • My Whole Morning Spent Getting My House In Order

    1. My Whole Morning Spent Getting My House In Order Seems as if when I start on a project I just got to keep on going until I finish. Like today when I though was only going to blog, I see what think needs fixes on my blog-site. Started at 7:30 didn’t finish until 10:30AM…

  • Stink Breath Has Taken Over

    Stink Breath Has Taken Over You know when someones breath is so bad you feel like punching someone. Every single second and minute that goes on it is all to keep you from going ballistic. I been around these people my whole life taking this passive aggressive stance.  

  • I’m Laying New Tracks With Natural LG

    Laying New Tracks With Natural LG   He’s got a hit track called ‘Fried Chicken & Spanish Rice’ visit his Facebook Here

  • Same Plan Different Players

    Same Plan Different Players I’m on and to the next when it comes to doing music projects. I guess you would really call it independent contracting. We tried, it didn’t work now it’s keep it moving. This is for all the projects under me. It works better this way. (X-Menn)

  • Good News, Joe

    Good News I woke up this this morning and I thank God for another day.  I have decent friends and a decent life. I mean you only live once so you try to live it to the fullest. I’m about to start that big workout program for spring and summer. I actually can’t wait for…

  • Who’s Running With Joe? – Episode 1

Got any book recommendations?