Weight Loss Pyschology

One thing which I learned pretty fast when I started shedding weight is that i have to keep up my calories when I eat everyday. It’s not about not eating it’s about eating the right foods and the right portions. My calories per day is about 1800 so I have to eat anything under that and I lose weight and quick or the norm which is about 2 to 3 lbs a week.

I find if I don’t keep those calories then I go down hill fast. I fill sluggish and in another zone. So it’s like setting a wall up or a line you don’t cross. As long as I eat right and keep busy on my feet then I’m cool.

from my runjoerun blog







2 responses to “Weight Loss Pyschology”

  1. Shakti Avatar

    Joe! this is so inspiring. i am so proud of you. i know you will get to your goal. i have also been dealing with my own weight and its never the weight itself but what’s really going on inside us…i believe we can do anything if we stay consistant. sending lots of love and light your way. your sexy fine just as you are but go ahead and get where you want to!


  2. Joe Wize Avatar

    Thanks Shakti, friends like you mean the world to me and the words that come from you I treasure very dearly. You also inspire me in your focus and your drive with the everyday music grind.

    “your sexy fine just as you are”

    I’m blushing :^)

    With you saying that know how fine and beautiful wow!!!
    If you every need a partner trying to shed then I’m there. ;^)

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