Over 10 Years Without Sex and I’m Not Crazy

I’ve gone over 10 years without sex and I’m not crazy. Do I want to have it? Yes of course. Will I settle for just anyone? No.  I hope I meet the woman of my dreams but I seem to be looking at the world through jaded glasses of 10 years ago. It’s just like when you search for a job, that expectation of not knowing what’s in store and hoping it’s the right fit. That proof you want to prove to yourself and others that you deserve it. I’ve been focused on that one big push and that one big goal and I’ve haven’t been able to smell the coffee and take in the sites.

What if I never reach my goal? I would be just reaching and never achieving. I’m using sex as a literal meaning and a metaphor of life and wanting to use my skills for what they’re supposed to be used for.



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