Category: joe wize
Reach For What You Want
In life, you have to reach for what you want or get left behind. Some people are ready to put in the hard work, some people are not. The people who are a success are usually the ones that put in the work and they are reaping the rewards. He’s a soundtrack vibe I wrote…
Job Prevents Me From Being Creative
So it’s cooled down a little. Since the summer things have picked up at my regular job. Yes, My job prevents me from being creative. When you’re sensitive and you used the outside world to give you inspiration, the stress from everyday living can block you from being creative. I know first hand. Being a…
I’m At Another Crossroads in My Life
Yep, I’m At Another Crossroads in My Life I did a project with one of the artists I’ve worked with for many years, we even had a well know producer as an A&R (Dallas Austin). At the completion, we all agreed that the project was a classic. I felt very strongly about it on the…
Over 10 Years Without Sex and I’m Not Crazy
I’ve gone over 10 years without sex and I’m not crazy. Do I want to have it? Yes of course. Will I settle for just anyone? No. I hope I meet the woman of my dreams but I seem to be looking at the world through jaded glasses of 10 years ago. It’s just like…
Photoshoot with “The Black Xavier”
Working on a photoshoot for Adolph Johns Black Xavier upcoming album “Live Love and Die”. RAW untouched. #indiggochild
Here’s a New Song I produce for the X-Menn and The Black Xavier called ‘The Best’
Let me know what you think. We shot this at Astoria park in Queens New York on a really overcast day.
I Having Trouble With My Sense Of Direction
Who has all the answers? Not me. I’ve been looking online for some inspiration and was surprised to find out how many people have an “expert opinion”. My opinion they’re in the same boat as everyone else. Call me a pessimist but that’s my opinion. Anyway my direction in music lately has been all…
New Video Opus 1 ‘Loving This Beat, Loving You’ featuring Koko Charli
New Video ‘Fried Chicken Spanish Rice’ from Natural
Fried Chicken Spanish Rice Video from Natural
Neighborhoods – Episode 6 Vlog
Risk Taking – Episode 5 Vlog
Vlog Episode 4 @ The Marina Again