Category: fo yo mind

  • Trying Times Trying Everybody’s Patience with COVID 19 and Politics

    Trying Times Trying Everybody’s Patience with COVID 19 and Politics

    I sit here in my apartment in NYC on a beautiful but loud Wednesday morning, and I can’t keep from SMH. I’m always trying to keep an open mind when it comes to information and politics, but it becomes more and more difficult when trying to figure out the truth. I’m trying to find more…

  • Job Prevents Me From Being Creative

    Job Prevents Me From Being Creative

    So it’s cooled down a little. Since the summer things have picked up at my regular job. Yes, My job prevents me from being creative. When you’re sensitive and you used the outside world to give you inspiration, the stress from everyday living can block you from being creative. I know first hand. Being a…

  • I’m At Another Crossroads in My Life

    I’m At Another Crossroads in My Life

    Yep, I’m At Another Crossroads in My Life I did a project with one of the artists I’ve worked with for many years, we even had a well know producer as an A&R (Dallas Austin). At the completion, we all agreed that the project was a classic. I felt very strongly about it on the…

  • Why Be Awestruck With Celebrities Who Have Never Accomplished Anything?

    Why be awestruck with celebrities who have never accomplished anything? It always amazes me how people follow celebrities. How they get awestruck of a single person. We’ve all been born to this earth and time the same way. We all have been challenged the same as everyone else. I just don’t get how a person…

  • Make your art sell on its own so they can’t tell you shit!

    Make your art sell on its own so they can’t tell you shit!

    It’s really quite interesting when you’re an artist and you come up with a concept and you complete your art with a certain direction only to be told by an industry exec that the concept can’t make money. But your initial direction was not to make money was just to make art. Got to have…

  • It’s All About Sex When Promoting

    It’s All About Sex When Promoting

    It’s all about sex when promoting After having a good talk with a friend, he pointed out something which I’ve known but recently overlooked. It’s all about sex when promoting anything. These subtle nuances added to a product promotion always are triggers for people to be interested. Whether music, cars, applesauce and so on. I…

  • Are You Going To Step Up To The Plate When Life Presents Major Opportunities?

    Are You Going To Step Up To The Plate When Life Presents Major Opportunities?

    Are you going to step up to the plate when life presents major opportunities? You are in control of your own destiny. I always thought that having a destiny in life means your life is predefined. But of course, we know that life is what you make of it. You can have extreme fun or have…

  • Over 10 Years Without Sex and I’m Not Crazy

    Over 10 Years Without Sex and I’m Not Crazy

    I’ve gone over 10 years without sex and I’m not crazy. Do I want to have it? Yes of course. Will I settle for just anyone? No.  I hope I meet the woman of my dreams but I seem to be looking at the world through jaded glasses of 10 years ago. It’s just like…

  • Sugar is So Dam Addictive!

    Sugar is So Dam Addictive!

    Sugar is in everything! You can’t get away from it. It’s in foods, preservatives, drinks, alcohol, etc. I wonder if the food industry heads sit in a dark backroom planning to see how next to hook new people for their foods. Once you get on the ride it’s difficult to get off. My particular weakness…

  • Why Am I Such A Cynic ?

    I see the world in dark colors. When I was younger those colors were really vibrant. I want to accomplish more but every year it becomes tougher and tougher. I’m always wondering if people are feeling like me and are they just putting on a happy face to fool everybody? I’d like to believe in…

  • Why Does It Seem So Hard to Enjoy Life?

    You strive so hard to make it and you know it’s tough. I’m always under the understanding that life is a fight and to be on top you have to through haymakers all the time. With whatever industry you are in there is always a fight to prove yourself and move up to the next…

  • I Having Trouble With My Sense Of Direction

      Who has all the answers? Not me. I’ve been looking online for some inspiration and was surprised to find out how many people have an “expert opinion”. My opinion they’re in the same boat as everyone else. Call me a pessimist but that’s  my opinion. Anyway my direction in music lately has been all…