Category: personal
Job Prevents Me From Being Creative
So it’s cooled down a little. Since the summer things have picked up at my regular job. Yes, My job prevents me from being creative. When you’re sensitive and you used the outside world to give you inspiration, the stress from everyday living can block you from being creative. I know first hand. Being a…
When you have no Direction you GO Nowhere!
Lately it seems hard to focus. But I’m making a commitment to myself to make sure I complete the things I’m supposed to complete. There are only a few outstanding things that need to be taken care of. Financially will be my focus and making sure with smart choices. There are also persons in life…
My Life Doesn’t Feel Full Unless I’m Customizing
My interest lies in the technical field but I like to venture out and look for mind-widening situations. Whether creating a custom mod for a website or just meeting people. However recently I’ve become sort of a hermit.I can’t watch the news anymore because everything depresses me. I think though, I can do better at…
Losing Weight Is Hard
Man, losing weight is hard. I’ve been trying for years and it’s been almost impossible. I always lose about 15 pounds then I gain it back within a few months. It sucks and very depressing. I don’t want to get bariatric surgery but I’m leaning towards this closer and closer. Everyone that’s obese can tell…
I’m At Another Crossroads in My Life
Yep, I’m At Another Crossroads in My Life I did a project with one of the artists I’ve worked with for many years, we even had a well know producer as an A&R (Dallas Austin). At the completion, we all agreed that the project was a classic. I felt very strongly about it on the…
Adult Decisions Can Be Extremely Hard
Adult Decisions Can Be Extremely Hard Last week I found out that my partner of 12 years will have to be put down soon. This is due to growths on her mammary glands. This really sucks. I don’t want her to suffer but I don’t want to just put her down when she has a…
Over 10 Years Without Sex and I’m Not Crazy
I’ve gone over 10 years without sex and I’m not crazy. Do I want to have it? Yes of course. Will I settle for just anyone? No. I hope I meet the woman of my dreams but I seem to be looking at the world through jaded glasses of 10 years ago. It’s just like…
Sugar is So Dam Addictive!
Sugar is in everything! You can’t get away from it. It’s in foods, preservatives, drinks, alcohol, etc. I wonder if the food industry heads sit in a dark backroom planning to see how next to hook new people for their foods. Once you get on the ride it’s difficult to get off. My particular weakness…
Why Am I Such A Cynic ?
I see the world in dark colors. When I was younger those colors were really vibrant. I want to accomplish more but every year it becomes tougher and tougher. I’m always wondering if people are feeling like me and are they just putting on a happy face to fool everybody? I’d like to believe in…
Why Does It Seem So Hard to Enjoy Life?
You strive so hard to make it and you know it’s tough. I’m always under the understanding that life is a fight and to be on top you have to through haymakers all the time. With whatever industry you are in there is always a fight to prove yourself and move up to the next…
Started Real Work
It’s what wanted and the money is good. It alleviates some of the craziness that keeping my life from being the way I wanted. I just hope I can keep this going and make it long term. We’ll see what happens good or bad.
Trying new things is always good!
I’m trying to go a little corporate. I took a job working for a big company and I like the feeling of being counted on. I just started this is my first week let’s see where this is going to take me. A new job and meeting new people is always good! In relationships trying…